Top 10 Reasons Why You Need An Estate Plan

Top 10 Reasons Why You Need An Estate Plan

I know that no one wants to think about the inevitable. Talking about it is difficult, but avoiding the conversation isn’t going to prevent it. But what can be prevented is having your loved ones lost and scared as to what to do in the event of your death or incapacity. If you think you don’t need an estate plan, here are the reasons why you may be wrong:

  1. You want your assets to go to the people you love and not be lost to estate taxes and administration costs or get stuck in part of Nevada’s more than $800 million in unclaimed property.

  2. You want to make sure your children never have to be in the care of strangers in the event something happens to you.

  3. You want your children raised with the same love and care you would give them if you were there.

  4. You want decisions about your healthcare and finances to be made according to what you want and not what someone else thinks is right for you.

  5. You want to leave a legacy for your loved ones beyond money and property.

  6. You want to keep your family out of conflict and out of court so they can focus on grieving.

  7. You want your assets and personal information to be kept private, especially from predators who go to probate court for the sole purpose of identifying people getting inheritances to take advantage of them.

  8. You want to choose who gets your assets, which is especially important for couples whose marriage could be invalidated or prevented by a conservative supreme court decision.

  9. You want to avoid the probate process, which can take a year or more, takes 5 to 7 percent of your estate and ensures your creditors get paid first—not your loved ones.

  10. You want to make the decisions about the legacy you want to leave behind and not leave it up to a court.

If you’re concerned about any one of the above, then now is the right time to meet with me to discuss getting the right plan in place for you. Contact me at or at 702-340-9227 to ask how you can set up a free Life and Legacy Planning meeting where we will get you financially organized, discuss your concerns and answer your questions so we can find a plan that is right for you.

Founding Partner Brandi M. Planet Profiled by UNLV

Founding Partner Brandi M. Planet Profiled by UNLV

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A lawyer is a service provider, so shop around