A lawyer is a service provider, so shop around

A lawyer is a service provider, so shop around

People often think they are committed to the first attorney they speak to.  This is wrong.  Rather, just like with other important service providers (such as physicians, contractors, etc.), one should take the time to interview several attorneys before committing to one.  Different attorneys have different attitudes, make different impressions, charge different rates, and the like.  Moreover, different types of cases / legal services require different types of attorneys.  Therefore, even for businesses with established relationships with a particular attorney or law firm, it is probably worthwhile to make attorney selection decisions on a case-by-case basis.  In addition to better aligning the needs of the matter to the appropriate attorney most suited for that particular matter, the business can also foster a sense of competition among the various legal services providers.  Down the line, the business can evaluate which law firm delivers the most consistent results (although attorneys cannot guarantee results because of the impacts of others, such as the presiding judge, the jury, opposing counsel, and other, extraneous factors), are most cost-effective, best understand the business’ broader strategic objectives, and so on. The bottom line is that, whether for personal or business purposes, one should take the time to shop around for the best attorney fit.

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