The Lex Domus Approach to Estate Planning

Estate planning with Lex Domus is different because we’re different. We take a personal approach so that we actually learn about your needs, goals and wishes so that they can be honored after you’re gone. We start by getting to know you personally and help you get your assets organized. This helps us make tailored recommendations so that you have a plan that works for you and your family.

Our plans aren’t just about who inherits your money and property after you’re gone. We create plans that ensure you get to leave the legacy you want for your loved ones. In addition to talking about what you own, we discuss how you can pass on what else is important to you, such as life lessons, favorite stories and wishes for your loved ones.

With Lex Domus, you aren’t going to fill out a worksheet that reduces your life to a few pages and get handed a fancy binder to stash on a shelf. With us, you will get a lifetime counselor who will be by your side for years to come to ensure your plan stays up to date through life’s changes. There’s no better time to set up your estate plan. Reach out to Brandi at or at 702-340-9227 to get started today.


Estate Planning Services Offered

An estate plan is an incredible gift you can leave your loved ones. That’s why Lex Domus offers comprehensive estate plans for estates of all sizes. The best thing about planning with Lex Domus is that you choose the plan based on what you actually need and not what you have. Planning with Lex Domus goes beyond simply giving you a stack of documents you may not understand. We offer the following:

  • Will drafting

  • Trust set up, including simple probate avoidance trusts to more complex trusts to help protect your assets

  • Emergency Childcare Plan to ensure your children will be taken care of in the event of your death or incapacity

  • Healthcare directives

  • Powers of Attorney for decisions regarding your finances and healthcare

  • Current plan review and evaluation

  • Trust funding assistance to make sure your assets are properly titled

  • Family legacy interviews so that you’re leaving more than money behind


Who needs an estate plan?

There’s no way around it — we will all meet our end. While we can’t control how or when our end happens, what we can plan for is what happens after we’re gone. After death, we all hope our loved ones will come together during a time of grief and find ways to honor our memory. Instead, what often happens is that families end up in conflict, fighting over what you left behind. An effective estate plan doesn’t just ensure your wishes are honored, but can help keep your family stay out of conflict and out of court. This is why everyone needs an estate plan.

If one or more of the following apply, then you need an estate plan:

  • You own a home, land or other property

  • You have assets worth more than $25,000

  • You have minor children

  • You are in a non-traditional marriage or partnership

  • You want the right decisions to be made for you if you’re incapacitated or suffering from a serious condition, like dementia

  • You want to keep your family out of conflict

  • You don’t want to lose a significant amount of your estate to probate costs or estate taxes